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FOG Computing: A Novel Perception to Minimize Attacks & Provide Security in Cloud Computing Environment

Yashpal Singh, Pooja ., Sonia Chaudhary


Cloud is essentially a clusters of multiple faithful servers committed within a network. Cloud Computing is a network grounded atmosphere that emphases on distribution computations or assets. In cloud customers only recompense for what they consumption and have not to pay for local funds which they want such as storage or infrastructure. So this is the chief benefit of cloud computing and chief aim for achievement fame in today’s world. Also cloud computing is individual of the most stimulating skill unpaid to its skill to decrease cost related with computing while cumulative suppleness and scalability for computer procedures. But in cloud the chief problematic that happens is security and currently a days security and privacy together are chief apprehension that desirable to be measured. To overwhelm the problematic of security we are familiarizing the new method which is called as Fog Computing. Fog Computing is not a standby of cloud it is just spreads the cloud computing by provided that security in the cloud environment. With Fog services we are capable to improve the cloud knowledge by dividing users data that essential to live on the edge. The chief purpose of fog computing is to place the data close to the end user.

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