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Automatic Vehicle Speed Reduction and Accident Detection System using RFID, GPS and GSM

Hardik Talwar, Dr. Sandeep Sharma, Dhruv Girotra, Sumit Kishore, Shrey Mishra


This research is focused on dealing one of the major problems with respect to Indian Road Safety i.e.,
accidents caused due to over speeding vehicles and reckless driving near accident prone areas like
highways, hospitals, schools etc. Since the world is automating the industrial processes and practices
using latest technologies, this project aims to further incorporate those practices in the domain of
road safety. Through this project, we have integrated a micro controller along with a radio frequency
identification system to limit such instances of over speeding. The transmitter and receiver module
would help us in automatic speed reduction to permissible limits once the vehicle is inside a regulated
accident-prone area. Even if the system fails to perform at times of high speeds, the backup system
would take care of the accident scenario, making use of GSM and GPS modules to alert the
concerned authorities of the mishap.

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