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Solar Cells Enable Fire Extinguishing Robot

Akhil Kashyap, Amit Kumar, Anurag Sharma, Manan Kaushik, Neeraj Kumar


The fire extinguisher robot is intended to doze fires, provide sensor data in locations where human intervention is not safe. The bot utilizes data acquired from the sensors to transmit the data to a web application. Through this web application, firemen can monitor the situation. The bot is capable of navigating in an indoor setting. It can also be controlled by humans through the app—steer the bot and eject water to doze a fire. A total of five sensors are used—temperature, pressure, humidity, proximity and brightness. A solar cell is employed for powering the bot. Voice commands are supported, i.e. the bot can be made to move or stop via voice commands. Upon hearing 'stop', the bot stops, and hearing 'go', the bot would move.

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