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Malaria Detection using Machine Learning

Shubham Khedekar


A life-threatening disease called Malaria is caused by parasites that get transmitted into
people's body by the bites of infected mosquitoes. If Automation is used for the diagnosis
process of this disease it will enable accurate diagnosis of the disease and hence it will
deliver a reliable health-care to resource-scarce areas. Currently malaria is being diagnosed
by performing microscopic tests on blood smears of the patients. They require examination
by a skilled and well experienced laboratorian with a good vision. We are using Deep
Learning to classify whether the given sample is infected or not. Staining method is a
traditional method used for the identification of the infected cells. The Machine with our
algorithm is trained with a set of data which consists of microscopic images of this thin blood
smear of both infected and uninfected data, and then comparison and the classification
accuracy is obtained by the Deep Neural Network obtained through training, validating and
testing with various combinations of the dataset.

Keywords: component, formatting, insert, machine learning, style, styling

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