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Study of The Performance of Grid Connected Battery Storage 10KW Solar Photovoltaic Plant in100 m2 Area at Kota Rajasthan

Umesh Gunjal, Bhuvnesh Kumar Sharma


Solar energy is pure, unlimited environment-friendly and a potential resource among the different renewable energy options. But stand-alone solar photovoltaic system or a wind energy system cannot continuously supply energy because of seasonal and periodic variations in an environment of the earth. Therefore, in order to assure the load demand, grid-connected energy system are now being implement that merges solar and conventional conversion units. The purpose of this work is to estimate the performance of grid connected solar photovoltaic power plant with battery storage system in Department of Science and Technology Science Center Kota, Rajasthan and finally develop a system based on the potential estimations made for an available area of 100 m2. The primary focus of this paper is to determine the energy storage system can be reduced the effect of solar intermittency. Equipment specifications are provided on the base of the availability of the elements in Indian market.

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