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Artificial Intelligence Based Twitter Sentiment Estimation

Deependra pandey, Kamlesh Kumar Singh, Bramha Hazela, Arnavsheel Tiwari


Twitter is platform which provide services like micro blogging in which user have to write the thought in less than 140 words. The objective of tweet sentiment analysis is to view as the positive, negative,
or impartial, happy, sad, satisfied, and other emotional sentiment part in the twitter information. Sentiment analysis can assist any association with tracking down individuals' assessments of their
organization and items. Twitter is increasing their services at an alarming rate across the different countries, It has approx. 200 million active/registers user across the world. We are going to use Natural Language processing and follow knowledge-based approach in utilizing and do analysis of sentiments from the messages of twitter. In this paper, we attempt to dissect the twitter posts about electronic items like mobiles, PCs and so on utilizing Machine Learning approach. We have applied Twitter sentiment analysis application on twitter dataset which is fetched from twitter API. Our model takes input from tweet API which is twitter stage which give heaps of informational index to their client to chip away at sentiment analysis. In this sentiment and result chosen message beginning and finishing off with input tweet. Classifier and vectorization, two different models are used to find sentimentality in tweets. An additional will be used find the sentiment result of depending on various
topics and tweets.

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