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Water Quality Monitoring System

Aditi Upadhyay, Tushar Verma


For water resources to be used in a safe and sustainable manner, water quality monitoring is crucial. In this article, we present a comprehensive system for tracking a variety of metrics, such as pH, temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids, and others, in water quality. Sensors and other analytical instruments are used in the system to gather data, which is then wirelessly transmitted to a central database for analysis and storage. A machine learning algorithm is applied to the data in order to detect any pollutants in the water and evaluate its general cleanliness. The system is designed to be scalable and can be used to monitor water quality in real-time at numerous locations. The results of our investigation show that the suggested approach may effectively monitor water quality and send out alerts in the event of any significant changes. With this strategy, water management practices might be far more successful and sustainable. A trustworthy system for monitoring water quality is necessary to ensure that communities and businesses have access to safe and sanitary water supplies. The gadget can monitor a wide range of parameters, including pH, temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids, and others. These factors' data are used to determine the general water quality and find any probable contaminants. The monitoring tool can be utilized in real-time and can alert users if there are substantial changes to the water's quality. By regularly monitoring water quality, the system can help prevent contamination and ensure that water resources are utilized efficiently and sustainably.

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