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Raspberry Pi Based Home Automation Using Hand Gestures

Hrishikesh Maheshwaram, Abhishek Chandgaonkar, Saurabh Yeshwantkar, M.M. Wankhade


Automation is the basic requirement for the present world. There are different sorts of automations like structure robotization, mechanical mechanization, Home mechanization, and so forth. It very well may be a potential application which offers help to old or debilitated people. Home automation is the utilization and control of home apparatuses remotely or consequently. This proposed work utilizes the acknowledgment and preparing of the hand signal. The calculation utilized for this proposed work is the motion calculation. Which screens an article (hand fingers) with its separated highlights. The basic point of hand motion acknowledgment framework is to build up a correspondence among human and mechanized frameworks for control. The perceived signals are utilized to control home apparatuses.

Keywords: Raspberry Pi, hand gesture recognition, convex hull, home automation, contour and convex detection

Cite this Article: Hrishikesh Maheshwaram, Abhishek Chandgaonkar, Saurabh Yeshwantkar, M.M Wankhade. Raspberry Pi Based Home Automation Using Hand Gestures. International Journal of Digital Electronics. 2020; 2(1): 33–38p.

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