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Encrypted Visible light communication for optimum performance

Himanshu Monga


Visible light communication (VLC) is regarded as the relatively secure communication when compared with other wireless communications using radio frequency (RF). The original visible signal sending from the lamp can be first received by the proposed light encrypter. The information can be encrypted and then emitted. The light encrypter acts as an encryption gateway for signals in the optical domain. The rolling shutter effect of the complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (CMOS) camera in the mobile phone can be used. By demodulating the rolling shutter pattern, the data information can be obtained. Also proposed and demonstrate using the Otsu thresholding scheme to define the data logic in the rolling shutter pattern. Otsu scheme is effective for estimating the bit error rate (BER). The optimum number of intervals (segmentations) and the process time of the Otsu method are also studied.

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