Intrusion detection of Packet Dropping Attacks by Using Cryptographic Hash function in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Amol Dange, Rupali Jadhav Jadhav, Supriya Phatak


A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous system of nodes (MSs) (also serving as routers) connected by wireless links. There is no infrastructure exists in a MANET. The network’s wireless topology may change dynamically since nodes are free to move and each node has limited transmitting power. In MANETs two types of packet dropping attacks are present: 1. Gray hole and 2. Black hole. In gray hole attacker node drop part of the data & cheat the previous node and in black hole attacker node drop all data packets & cheat the previous node.In this paper we present a proposed mechanism to detect and isolate these attacks in network.

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