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A Review on Brain Fingerprinting

Anika Saini, Avinash Sharma, Kamakshi Rautela


Brain fingerprinting is used on the results that brain produces, a unique brain wave pattern when a person concurrence a known stimulus, use of functional magnetic resonance imaging in lie (falseness) detection derive from studies signifying that persons asked to lie show diverse patterns of brain activity than they do when being honest. Issues related to the use of such data in courts are discussed. This approach is now supported by enough data about its accurateness in detecting deception to call for use in court. This test uses what Farwell calls the MERMER called as "Memory and Encoding Related Multifaceted Electroencephalographic Response") reaction to detect familiarity reaction. One of the most widely used applications is lie detection. A new computer-based technology is Farwell which has evolved and patented the technique of Farwell brain fingerprinting, which identifies the crime of a criminal accurately and scientifically by measuring brainwave responses to crime-related phrases, words or pictures presented on a computer screen. The technology has proven 100% accuracy in over 120 words or above tests on FBI agents, and tests on real-life situations which also include actual crimes.

Keywords: electroencephalography, electroencephalography (EEG) signals, Farwell brain fingerprinting polygraph

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